Titania (In quiet woods)
Words by Mordaunt Currie
B–P Library, Box 7: MS, ink, printer’s copy, 3 pages and title page
Boosey & Co/Winthrop Rogers 1934 [BL: G117748], E@ [b@–f’’], Thames 10 Songs
See Part Songs – with piano p. 35

Tom O’Bedlam (The moon’s my constant mistress)
4 January 1934
Words Anonymous
B–P Library, Box 7: MS, ink, dated, printer’s copy, 3 pages and title page
Boosey & Co/Winthrop Rogers 1934 [BL: G117745], A minor [g–e’’@], Thames 10 Songs 1989

Sledburn Fair (I’ve oft heard tell of the Sledburn Fair)
6 January 1934
Words Anonymous
B–P Library, Box 6: MS, ink, dated, printer’s copy, 5 pages
Boosey & Co 1934 [BL: G117744], B@ [c’–e’’@] See Part Songs – unaccompanied p. 28

Sailing Homeward (Cliffs that rise a thousand feet)
13 March 1934
Words translated from the Chinese of Chan Fang Sheng, 4th century ad, by Arthur Waley,
B–P Library, Box 6: MS, ink, dated, printer’s copy, 2 pages and title page, both keys
Boosey & Co/Winthrop Rogers 1934 [BL: G117743], B minor [d’–g’’#], G minor [b@–e’’] (Music has B@, D, in error)
Dedicated to Bruce Flegg

Midnight (Light not one taper yet)
16 April 1934
Words by Jeffery Lang
B–P Library, Box 5: MS, ink, dated, printer’s copy, 2 pages
Boosey & Co/Winthrop Rogers 1934 [BL: G117746], B@   minor [c’–f’’]

Solo Songs with piano accompaniment

Love’s Wisdom (Wise is he, ah, wise is he)
1 August 1934
Words by Mordaunt Currie
B–P Library, Box 5: MS, ink, dated, printer’s copy, 3 pages and title page
Boosey & Co 1934 [BL: G117742], A minor [e’–a’’],  B@ minor [f’–b’’@], D minor [a–d’’] Dedicated to Victoria Hopper, and sung by her in ‘Lorna Doone’
See Solo Songs – other accompaniments p. 13; Stage and Screen p. 44

Maritime Invocation (Lady, will you go with me)
31 December 1934
Words by A. C. Boyd
B–P Library, Box 4: MS, ink, dated, printer’s copy, 5 pages and title page (‘Invocation’,
with ‘Maritime’ added in pencil)
Winthrop Rogers 1935 [BL: G117747], C minor [b-f’’], D minor [c’#-g’’], E@ minor [d’-a’’@]


Love’s Wisdom

Voice, strings and harp
Words by Mordaunt Currie
Dedicated to Victoria Hopper, and sung by her in ‘Lorna Doone’
See Solo Songs p. 8; Stage and Screen p. 44


The Ballad of Gil Morrice, Op 78 (Gil Morrice was a great earl’s son)
February – March – April 1934
Mixed chorus and orchestra; 2 flutes (piccolo), 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 horns, 1 trumpet,
1 trombone, cymbals, triangle, harp (or piano), strings or strings and piano
Words adapted into modern English by Mordaunt Currie
B–P Library, Box 8: MS, full score, bound, ink, 54 pages, title page and instrument list, dated
May 1934, ‘Op 77’;
MS, full score of version for strings and piano, dated June 1934, 28 pages and title page, ‘Op 77’
Box 1: MS, vocal score, ink, dated, printer’s copy, 35 pages and title page,
Duration: 30’
Winthrop Rogers 1934 vocal score [BL: F1267m4] Dedicated to Sir Hugh P. Allen


Bless the Lord O my soul
Two–part harvest anthem for SA or TB or ST/AB, with organ
Words taken from Psalm 104
OUP 1934 [Oxford Easy Anthems 14] [BL: F1776] OUP 1957 in
The Oxford Easy Anthem Book,

See Church Music 1951 p. 21


Sledburn Fair (I’ve oft heard tell of this Sledburn Fair)                                                                                                                                                        1934
a. Partsong for TTBB
b. Partsong for SATB
Words anonymous
B–P Library, Box 6: MS, a; ink, dated 13 February, printer’s copy, 6 pages; b: ink, printer’s copy, 6 pages
Boosey & Co 1934, a: [BL: F163ee8], b: [BL F585vv16] with tonic sol–fa
See Solo Songs p. 7

The Jovial Beggar (There was a jovial beggar)
July 1934
TTBB chorus
Words anonymous 17th century
B–P Library, Box 4: MS, ink, dated, printer’s copy, 7 pages and title page
Winthrop Rogers 1934 [BL: F163ee46] with tonic sol–fa
Dedicated to The Felling Male Voice Choir

The Amber Ship
13 July 1934
TTBB, tenor lead
Words by Mordaunt Currie
B–P Library, Box 1: MS, ink, dated, printer’s copy, 5 pages and title page
Winthrop Rogers 1934 [BL: F163ee43] with tonic sol–fa

Part–songs – unaccompanied

Blow, bugle, blow (Blow, bugle, blow, set the wild echoes ringing)
November 1934
TTBB chorus
Words by Alfred Lord Tennyson
B–P Library, Box 1: MS, ink, dated, printer’s copy, 5 pages and title page
Winthrop Rogers 1935 [BL: F163ee44] Dedicated to Irving Silverwood and The Holme Valley Male Voice Choir
See Solo Songs p. 9: ‘The Splendour Falls’

Haunted (Magic of the moon)
6 November 1934
Phantasy for TTBB choir
Words by Mordaunt Currie
B–P Library, Box 4: MS, score, ink, dated, 7 pages and title page
Winthrop Rogers 1935 [BL: F163ee45] with tonic sol–fa
Dedicated to Irving Silverwood and The Holme Valley Male Voice Choir


A Song of Morning (Vale of the waterfalls)
23 July 1934
Trio for SSC
Words by George Darley
B–P Library, Box 6: MS, score, ink, dated, printer’s copy, 5 pages and title page
Winthrop Rogers 1934 [BL: F217f53] with tonic sol–fa

Velvet Shoes (Let us walk in the white snow)
10 November 1934
Part-song for SSA
Words by Elinor Wylie
B–P Library, Box 7: MS, ink, dated, 6 pages, copyright permission for the text refused,
correspondence included

Time, you old gypsy man (Time you old gipsy man)
19 November 1934
Part–song for SSA
Words by Ralph Hodgson
B–P Library, Box 7: MS, score, ink, dated, printer’s copy, 10 pages and title page
Winthrop Rogers 1935 [BL: F217f54] with tonic sol–fa


Fancy Dress, Op 82
Dance suite for full orchestra: 2 flutes (piccolo), 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns,
2 trumpets, 2 trombones, bass trombone, tuba, timpani, triangle, cymbals, harp,
strings, piano
1. Hurly–Burly
2. Dance of the Mummers
3. Dusk: waltz
4. Pageantry: processional
Duration: 15’
Dedicated to Leslie Boosey
See Orchestral Music – Small orchestra p. 47