Prayer Before Sleep (Our father, whose kingdom is within each one of us)
Words by L. E. Eeman
Elkin 1955 [BL: G1177a25], [c’–c’’]
See Unison Songs p. 42
Solo Songs with piano accompaniment
Philomel (As it fell upon a day)
Words by Richard Barnfield
OUP 1956 [BL: G1177a28] (Banks); Thames 10 Songs, B minor [e’@–g’’]
Dedicated to Joan Hammond
Lord, thou hast been a refuge sure
Anthem for unison voices (with descant) and piano accompaniment
Paraphrase of parts of Psalm 90 by Diana Carroll
OUP 1955 [Oxford Choral Songs T 10] [BL: F1777m]
Written for the YWCA Centenary Pageant
Thou, O God art praised In Sion
Two–part harvest anthem for SA or TB or ST/AB with organ
Psalm 65
OUP 1955 [Oxford Easy Anthems No. 74] [BL: F1001]
Awake, awake (Awake, awake, put on thy strength, O Sion)
Motet for tenor solo and women’s choir SSA with piano or organ accompaniment
Words from Isaiah 51 and 52
B–P Library, Bag Ci: MS, ink, 14 pages and title page
Duration: 8’
OUP 1956 [BL: E442x44]
God be in my head (God be in my head, and in my understanding) (included in ‘The Gift’)
November 1955
Words from Pynson’s Horae, 1514; Sarum Primer, 1550
SATB unaccompanied
B–P Library: MS, dated, pencil and ink, 7 pages, Bag C
OUP 1959 [Oxford Choral Songs X 48] [BL: F1777m]
See Part Songs – with piano p. 37; Stage and Screen p. 45 ‘The Gift’
She’s like the swallow
Arranged for piano trio
B–P Library, Bag Eii: MS, ink, 3 pages and title page
Duration: 2’45’’
See Unison Songs – arrangements p. 42, ‘Canadian Folk Song Cycle’
Lullay, Thou Little Tiny Child
No 4 in A Christmas Album for Organ
OUP 1956
Minuet In Classical Style
No. 2 in An Easy Album for Organ
OUP 1956 [g575vv22]
Postlude in D
No. 2 in A Festive Album for Organ
OUP 1956 [g575vv21]