Four Songs by Edward Miller (1735–1807) arranged by C.A.G. | 1937 |
- The Happy Pair (At dewy dawn, so o’er the lawn), Words by Francis Pilkington, D [d′–g″]
- The Despairing Shepherd (One night, when all the village slept), Words by Sir Carr Scroope, Em [d′–e″]
- I prithee send me back my heart (I prithee, send me back my heart), Words by Sir John Suckling, G [d′–g″]
- To Althea, from Prison (When love with unconfined wings), Words by Richard Lovelace, somewhat bowdlerized, noted by CAG. C [e′–g″]
MS: B-P Archive, Box 4: MS, ink, printer’s copy, 9 pages and title page, typed notes on source
Boosey & Co 1937 [BL: G1275uu14] Dedicated to Mrs. George Bramwell
Two Songs arranged from ‘Elizabeth Rogers Hir Virginal Booke’ (Feb. 27 1656) [BL: Add MS 10337] | 1938 |
- Lye still, my dear (Lie still my dear, why dost thou rise?) Am [g′#-f″] >Oxford Book of English Verse, but considered inauthentic by modern editors. For another edition of this same song see Arnold Dolmetsch Select English Songs and Dialogues, Book 2.
- Fyer, fyer, (Fyer, fyer, loe here I burn in such desire) G [d′–e″]>
Words Anon
MS: B–P Archive, Box 7: ink, printer’s copy, 4 pages, title page and text sheet
Winthrop Rogers 1938 [BL: G1177a10] Dedicated to P.W.
Three Irish Airs | 1940 |
Words by Thomas Moore
- Let Erin remember (Let Erin remember the days of old), D [a-d″]
- I’d mourn the hopes (I’d mourn the hopes that leave me), G [b-e″]
- Avenging and bright (Avenging and bright fall the swift sword of Erin), A minor [c′-e″]
Unpublished, but Gibbs Society holds a newly printed score Dedicated to Keith Falkner
Canadian Folk Song Cycle | March 1959 |
- My Canadian Bride (Here’s to my dear Canadian bride) (Vive la Canadienne) (French Canadian, English words by CAG)
- The Morning Dew (The pink, the lily and the flaming rose) (Newfoundland, collected by Maud Karpeles)
- I’se the b’y that builds the boat (I’se the b’y that builds the boat (Newfoundland, from the Peacock Collection)
- The Stormy Scenes of Winter (The stormy scenes of winter) (Nova Scotia, collected by Helen Creighton)
- Bonavist’ Harbour (Oh! There’s lots of fish in Bonavist’ harbour) (Newfoundland, from the Peacock Collec- tion)
MS: B–P Archive, Bag A: ink, dated, 11 pages (3 separate MSS – 1 + 3, 2 + 5, 4)
OUP 1960 [BL: F1771gg10]
Dedicated to Robert Ivan Foster
See Unison Songs p. 42